What are Flutter Kicks?
Flutter Kicks are an excellent example of both progression and regression. In one of my previous articles, I review progression and regression as one of the best aspects of bodyweight training, which allows for movements to be adapted to any level of fitness. Flutter Kicks are a core strengthening exercise that is a progression from Leg Lifts and a regression from Hanging Leg Raises. In other words, if Leg Lifts are too easy or if Hanging Leg Raises are too difficult, you may find yourself training your core by doing Flutter Kicks.
The following muscle group is engaged by Flutter Kicks:
- Core
How to Do Flutter Kicks (Instructions):
Trainer Tips for Flutter Kicks:
Progression (make harder)
- While performing the movement, raise and hold your torso off the ground 1-2 inches.
- Perform the movement slowly. Count to 2 as you raise your leg and count to 2 when you lower your leg and raise the other.
- Perform Hanging Leg Raises.
Regression (make easier)
- Place your hands under your bottom while performing the movement.
- Perform Leg Lifts.
Do 3 sets of AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible) with flutter kicks. Ensure to rest for 1-3 minutes between sets.
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