Is walking boring?
Or are we just totally ignorant of the many wonders happening within our bodies each time we walk?
Hopefully I can give you a sampler of the God-created worshipful sound that’s happening inside of you each time you take a step.
Let’s start by imagining that you are standing one step away from your coffee machine at 5:30am in the morning.
It’s early and you’re ready for that first cup.
As you stand there, you are putting your body’s full weight on 60 bones between both legs and feet.
These 60 bones are joined together by dozens of ligaments, providing you with a stable structure you can stand on, without even thinking about it.
As you look at that warm pot of coffee, billions of neurons are now activated in your brain. Some of those neurons relay a message 5 feet away to other neurons in your leg that it’s time to take a step.
So you lift one foot off the ground.
As you do, about 200 muscles begin working together with those 60 bones and millions of neurons in a unified symphony that would inspire even the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra.
But there’s a problem. With one foot off the ground, your body is now totally imbalanced.
So millions of neurons fire to the the 30 muscles in your abdomen region, joining in the concert and preventing you from falling over.
With the crescendo of a final song, your foot lands on the ground, you don’t fall over, and you get to enjoy that cup of coffee.
That’s just one step.
Chances are, you take between 5,000 to 10,000 each day.
If you live until you’re 80, you will have taken over 200,000,000 steps in your entire life. With the average stride, that’s the equivalent of walking around the Earth… 5x.
Oh, and your body can do other things while walking… like:
Pump blood through a network of blood vessels that, if stretched out, would be 60,000 miles long.
Breathe in the air from your surroundings and turn it into gases your body can use.
Use two squishy and colorful organs in the middle of your face to capture visual inputs and have a visibility of up to 3 miles.
The body God has given you is a gift. There are more wonders inside.
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